3820 Hearts and Arrows product design 02

3820 Herts and Arrows 

Product and Packaging


3820 Hearts and Arrows - Product and Packaging 2011

The packaging used, which recalls the travelling theme, is made up of industrial materials to respect the environment. Something precious that comes from far away. It reminisces the origin of diamonds, as if it has just come from a mine: with no filters, as “natural” as possible. A new way to communicate an important product in a new and ironic way.

Client: 3820 Hearts and Arrows
What: Product
Year: 2011

3820 Hearts and Arrows product design 07

3820 Hearts and Arrows product design 04
3820 Hearts and Arrows product design 03

3820 Hearts and Arrows product design 05

"Un imballo in un materiale di recupero industriale, con un occhio di riguardo al tema del rispetto per l’ambiente, che rimanda all’idea del viaggio. Qualcosa di prezioso che viene da lontano. Ripercorre l’origine del diamante, come se arrivasse direttamente dalla miniera: senza filtri. Il più “naturale” possibile. Un modo nuovo e ironico di comunicare un prodotto importante."

3820 Hearts and Arrows product design 01

3820 Hearts and Arrows product design 08

3820 Hearts and Arrows product design 06

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